Donations will be collected by the Toronto Sickkids Hospital and distributed between the Montreal Children's Hospital, the Toronto SickKids Hospital and Ottawa's CHEO. 

The riders signed up for the 2024 ride

 Andreas Anastassopoulos
 Randy Anthony
 Robert Bishin
 Kevin Boada
  Julien Constans
  Kathy Constantinidis
 David Cott
 Didier Hachem
 Janet Imhoff
 Helena Silva Inacio
  Terry Koubakis
 Justin Lance
 Dan Lesage
 Tim Leung
 Gustave Maass
 Howard Mamane
 Georgia Michael
 Colin Phelps
 Gene Piccoli

Robert Ramsay

 Eric Rumfels
 Cliff Shapiro
 Michael Shkrab
 Mike Sit
 Gerald Wiviott
 David Wysocki